Parts of the spine
Parts of the spine

parts of the spine parts of the spine

Sometimes one of the bones of the sacrum will form as a separate vertebra rather than being part of the sacrum. At the base of the lumbar spine is the sacrum, a fusion of many bones that connects the spine to the pelvis. This segment of the spinal column is often called the lower back. The nerves of the thoracic spine branch off to the chest and abdomen. This part of the spine and body is structured in a way that limits the amount of spinal movement compared to the cervical or lumbar segments of the spine. This segment of the spinal column, the middle part of the back, consists of 12 vertebrae that connect the ribs and form the part of the back wall of the ribcage area between the neck and the diaphragm. The nerves of the cervical spine branch off to the upper chest and the arms. It is the most mobile section of the spine. It starts just below the skull at the top of the neck and ends just above the mid-back area. This segment of the spinal column is made up of the first 7 vertebrae in the spine. The spinal column is divided into three main sections: the cervical (upper) spine, the thoracic (middle) spine, and the lumbar (lower) spine. It also protects the spinal cord, which is made of millions of nerve fibers that connect the brain with the rest of the body. The spine, one of the most important of the structures in the body, allows a person to keep upright, stand, move about freely and bend.

Parts of the spine